Magical Dictionary is an independent project developed by a small team of enthusiasts, blending the talents of dedicated developers and passionate card-game aficionados. We are not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast LLC, the creators of Magic: The Gathering, Nintendo, the creators of Pokémon Trading Card Game, Konami, the creators of Yu-Gi-Oh!, Disney, the creators of Disney Lorcan, Lucasfilm, the creators of Star Wars Unlimited, or any other respective creators of trading card games.
All content provided on this platform is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as official rulings. While we strive to ensure accuracy and thoroughness, the information presented here may not necessarily reflect the official stance of the game creators.
We respect the intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast LLC, Nintendo, Konami, Disney, Lucasfilm, and other creators of card games, acknowledging their innovative contributions to the gaming community. Magical Dictionary aims to enhance the gaming experience by providing a comprehensive and user-friendly resource for various trading card games, including but not limited to Magic: The Gathering, Pokémon Trading Card Game, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Disney Lorcan, Star Wars Unlimited, and Dungeons and Dragons.
We encourage users to refer to the official sources and consult with the respective game creators for official rulings, updates, and announcements. Magical Dictionary is a labor of love, created by fans for fans, with the goal of fostering a vibrant and supportive community within the diverse world of trading card games.
Thank you for being part of our community!